You may already know that you can always search every job vacancy in every council across both Australia and New Zealand at What you may not know is that CouncilJobs was founded on a unique Job Alerts system for subscribers. Based around 200+ unique Council Job categories, subscribers receive instant, daily and/or weekly alerts for jobs that they are particularly suited to.
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Subscribe to CouncilJobs to keep track of all the latest local government job opportunities for you. We work with council recruiters across Australia to bring you the most exciting job advertisements that match your skills.
Simply tell us what type of role you’re after and we’ll send you the most relevant opportunities as soon as they open. Here are your subscription options:
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Consider a Career in Council!
Working for a council is one of the most rewarding career choices you can make. Here are just some of the reasons why:
Many non-council people are surprised when they hear about career veterans who’ve spent their entire working lives in the council ecosystem. These veterans may have had many different jobs throughout their career, often working for multiple councils across metro and regional areas, involving moving themselves and their families' homes several times. They can do this because when you land a job in a council, it’s generally more secure and when you change councils, your tenure and benefits generally can transfer with you, making it easier to move up in your career. In other words, with a job in a council you can move between large and small councils for that next step in your career to get the experience necessary and build up the resume.
Most CouncilJobs also include a Rostered Day off (RDO) at least every fortnight. This is councils’ way of bridging perceived salary gaps to similar roles in the private sector.
Council workers generally work in large highly-structured teams & rely on specialist skills to complete key tasks that are planned out by professional managers. Modern councils are cost-efficient organisations entrusted with spending residents’ funds responsibly for maximum community benefit. The sense of achievement you will get for delivering on big team goals, such as new residential roads and infrastructure, new or upgraded community facilities and big community events is unmatched in any other field. So what are you waiting for? Subscribe now and start your career in council!